
between, within, among

Quick Summary

Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The prefix inter- means “between.” This prefix appears in numerous English vocabulary words, such as Internet, interesting, and interview. An easy way to remember that the prefix inter- means “between” is through the word international, for international competitions occur “between” nations.

Inter- Arresting

Today we will focus on the prefix inter- which means “between.” Prefixes are morphemes which begin words, attaching to a word’s main part, or root, adding to the meaning of the word in some way.

The Internet is a linked system of networks that communicate “between” each other, connecting computers on a global scale. The computers and networks are interconnected, or linked “between” themselves. All this occurs on an international scale, or “between” nations—it is possible for anyone anywhere to access the World Wide Web.

People who work in large office buildings often have to send interoffice mail, or that correspondence that goes “between” different offices. Mail also travels in mail trucks along the interstates, or those highways that run “between” states. One finds many intersections along these highways, or those roads that cut “between” the interstates and head off in other directions.

College football offers interscholastic competition, or those contests “between” different schools. Speaking of football, when a cornerback intercepts a pass, he seizes the ball “between” the quarterback and his intended receiver, getting the ball back for his team. Halftime at a football game is simply an intermission, or that time of rest which is sent “between” the end of one half and the start of another. The halftime interrupts the flow of the game, or bursts “between” it.

Now that you have become interested in the prefix inter-, “between,” you can confidently interact with any word that comes your way with inter- in it!

  1. Internet: networks that exist ‘between’ each other
  2. interconnected: linked ‘between’
  3. international: ‘between’ nations
  4. interoffice: ‘between’ offices
  5. interstate: ‘between’ states
  6. intersection: a cutting ‘between’
  7. interscholastic: ‘between’ schools
  8. intercept: seize ‘between’
  9. intermission: time sent ‘between’
  10. interrupt: burst ‘between’
  11. interested: be ‘between’
  12. interact: act ‘between’


  • interpolate

    If you interpolate words into a piece of writing, you insert those words into it; such altering of the text could falsify it.

  • interdict

    An interdict is an official order that prevents someone from doing something.

  • interlocutor

    An interlocutor is the person with whom you are having a (usually formal) conversation or discussion.

  • internecine

    An internecine conflict or quarrel takes place between people who belong to the same group, organization, country, etc.

  • interregnum

    An interregnum is a period of time when there is temporarily no one in charge of a country or large organization.

  • disinterested

    Someone does something in a disinterested way when they have no personal involvement or attachment to the action.

  • interim

    An interim position at a school or business is only temporary until the position can be filled by someone who is more qualified.

  • interloper

    An interloper is someone who barges into a place where they are not welcome and interferes with what is going on, often for personal gain.

  • intermittent

    Something that happens on an intermittent basis happens in irregular intervals, stopping and starting at unpredictable times.

  • interpose

    When you interpose, you interrupt or interfere in some fashion.

  • intersperse

    When you intersperse things, you distribute or scatter them among other things, sometimes at different intervals.

  • interstitial

    The adjective interstitial pertains to a narrow opening or a crack between two things.

  • intertwine

    When you intertwine two things, you twist them together and thereby interconnect them.

  • interject

    To interject is to insert a comment during a conversation that interrupts its flow.

  • intervene

    When you intervene in a difficult situation, you get involved in it in order to help solve a problem.

  • entertain

    When you entertain someone, you hold their attention by pleasing or amusing them in some way.

  • interrupt

    When you interrupt someone, you unexpectedly cause that person to stop what they are doing.

  • internal

    That which is internal is located inside of something else.

  • intercept

    When you intercept something, you stop or prevent it from getting to where it was going.

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